Industrial Waxes

Base Wax
(Basewax PM 85)

Industrial Waxes

Base Wax (Basewax PM 85)

Basewax can be mixed with each other and are also miscible with other waxes, with oils, fats and fatty acids, long-chain alphatic alcohols, polyolefins, copolymers of ethylene/vinylacetate and ethylene/alkacrylate, natural rosins, rosin derivatives and synthetic hydrocarbon resins.

Type: Basewax PM 85
Colour: 0.0 – 0.4
Drop melting point C: 95 – 103
Congealing point: 84 – 90
Penetration 25 C /dmm: 6 – 12
Penetration 40 C/dmm: 18 – 32

Basewax has a shelf life of at least two years (from production date) when stored under cover in cool, dry conditions. Stock rotation should be practiced

Test Methods:
Colour ASTM D 1500
Drop melting point ASTM D3954
Congealing point ASTM D 938
Penetration at 25 C ASTM D 1321

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